Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 7, 2022

Cách diễn đạt thành ngữ tiếng Anh với động từ "Have" và "Get"


  1. Shreya’s going to have a baby this summer
  2. Colins has a cold. He’s staying at home today
  3. Lily had a conversation with another passenger on the train
  4. Tiffany had fun at the festival with her friends
  5. After gardening all morning, we were so tired that we needed to have a rest.
  6. Michael and Heather had an argument about the rules of the game
  7. Sadiq has lunch in the park when the weather’s nice
  8. have an appointment to see the vet at 2 o’clock this afternoon
  9. Kylie had a party to celebrate her 18th birthday. It was great fun
  10. Sean and Lisa had a talk about the new design for the office


  1. You really need to get going if you want to catch the train.
  2. Kyle and Erin got lost in the forest when they couldn’t read their map .
  3. I need to go to bed now. I’m getting tired.
  4. I usually get dressed after I’ve eaten my breakfast.
  5. We finally got home at midnight after our flight was delayed.
  6. Brian and Isha got married on a beautiful beach in Jamaica.
  7. It was sunny today, but the weather is going to get worse tomorrow.
  8. Claude is getting better at making cakes.
  9. We finally got started on decorating the bedroom this morning.
  10. Robin always gets angry when his children refuse to eat their food.


1/ have a baby :

  • Shreya’s going to have a baby this summer
2/ have a cold :
  • Colins has a cold. He’s staying at home today
3/ have a conversation :
  • Lily had a conversation with another passenger on the train
4/ have fun :
  • Tiffany had fun at the festival with her friends
5/ have a rest:
  • After gardening all morning, we were so tired that we needed to have a rest.
6/ have an argument :
  • Michael and Heather had an argument about the rules of the game
7/ have lunch:
  • Sadiq has lunch in the park when the weather’s nice
8/ have an appointment:
  • I have an appointment to see the vet at 2 o’clock this afternoon
9/ have a party :
  • Kylie had a party to celebrate her 18th birthday. It was great fun
10/ have a talk:
  • Sean and Lisa had a talk about the new design for the office


1/ get going :

  • You really need to get going if you want to catch the train.
2/ get lost :
  • Kyle and Erin got lost in the forest when they couldn’t read their map .
3/ get tired :
  • I need to go to bed now. I’m getting tired.
4/ get dressed :
  • I usually get dressed after I’ve eaten my breakfast.
5/ get home
  • We finally got home at midnight after our flight was delayed.
6/ get married :
  • Brian and Isha got married on a beautiful beach in Jamaica.
7/ get worse :
  • It was sunny today, but the weather is going to get worse tomorrow.
8/ get better :
  • Claude is getting better at making cakes.
9/ get started :
  • We finally got started on decorating the bedroom this morning.
10/ get angry :
  • Robin always gets angry when his children refuse to eat their food.

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