Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 7, 2022

Cách diễn đạt thành ngữ tiếng Anh với động từ "Set" và "Put"


  1. I had a long way to drive, so I set off nice and early.
  2. Catalina has set the date for her wedding next summer.
  3. Ed set the table before his guest arrived for dinner.
  4. set a trap to catch the mouse in the kitchen.
  5. Mateo set an example for his children and ate all his vegetable.
  6. set homework for my students at the end of every lesson.
  7. Silvio called the fire department after he accidentally set fire to his shed.
  8. Judy was sad to see the birds trapped in their cage, so she set them free.
  9. The ship set sail for China this morning. It will arrive in 20 days.
  10. I have to get up early for work, so I always set an alarm before going to bed.


  1. I always put off doing my homework until the last minute.
  2. My boss is putting pressure on me to sell all this kitchen equipment today.
  3. Terry puts his family first. He always leaves work in time to meet his children after school.
  4. The rangers have put a stop to people driving through the park to cut pollution.
  5. Irfan has put me in charge of the store while he is on vacation.
  6. After telling my boss I was leaving my job, I put it in writing.
  7. Karen decided to put her cards on the table and tell Ricky that she loved him.
  8. Sakura has been putting the heat on the contractors to finish the job quickly.
  9. Seth isn’t always the most hardworking employee. To put it bluntly, he’s lazy.
  10. I really put my foot in it when I asked if Hazel was Tamsin’s mother. They are actually sister. (UK)  


1/ set off :

  • I had a long way to drive, so I set off nice and early.
2/ set the date :
  • Catalina has set the date for her wedding next summer.
3set the table :
  • Ed set the table before his guest arrived for dinner.
4/ set a trap :
  • I set a trap to catch the mouse in the kitchen.
5/set an example
  • Mateo set an example for his children and ate all his vegetable.
6/set homework:
  • I set homework for my students at the end of every lesson.
7/ set fire:
  • Silvio called the fire department after he accidentally set fire to his shed.
8/set them free:
  • Judy was sad to see the birds trapped in their cage, so she set them free.
9/ set sail
  • The ship set sail for China this morning. It will arrive in 20 days.
10/ set an alarm :
  • I have to get up early for work, so I always set an alarm before going to bed.


1/ put off :

  • I always put off doing my homework until the last minute.
2/ putting pressure :
  • My boss is putting pressure on me to sell all this kitchen equipment today.
3/puts his family first: 
  • Terry puts his family first. He always leaves work in time to meet his children after school.
4/put a stop to :
  • The rangers have put a stop to people driving through the park to cut pollution.
5/put me in charge :
  • Irfan has put me in charge of the store while he is on vacation.
6/put it in writing :
  • After telling my boss I was leaving my job, I put it in writing.
7/ put her cards:
  • Karen decided to put her cards on the table and tell Ricky that she loved him.
8/putting the heat on:
  • Sakura has been putting the heat on the contractors to finish the job quickly.
9/put it bluntly:
  • Seth isn’t always the most hardworking employee. To put it bluntly, he’s lazy.
10/put my foot in it :
  • I really put my foot in it when I asked if Hazel was Tamsin’s mother. They are actually sister. (UK)  

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