Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 4, 2023

20 câu tục ngữ tiếng Anh thông dụng (Common English Proverbs)

(hình ảnh)


1/ Don't go into that spooky house! Curiosity killed the cat.

(Being too curious can get you into trouble).

2/ I can't follow directions unless I have a map. A picture is worth a thousand words.

(It is easier to show something in a picture than to describe it using words.)

3/ Don't just say you're going to clean your room, do it! Actions speak louder than words.

(What you do matters more than what you say.)

4/ You were meant to give me this assignment a week ago, but better late than never.

(it's better for something to happen late than not to happen at all)

5/ Don't count your chickens before they hatch, Kim! The game isn't over yet.

(don't assume that something will happen before the outcome is certain)

6/ Azra adores her pet snake. I suppose beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

(everyone has their own idea of what is beautiful)

7/ Jakob really misses his girlfriend now that she has gone to college. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

(Being away from someone you love makes you love them more).

8/ I was so pleased when I finally managed to sell my house for a good price. All good things come to those who wait.

(If you wait for something good, you will eventually get it.)

9/ Flo's incompetence at work is affecting the whole team. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

(A team is only as strong as its weakest member.)

10/ Stop sitting by the phone waiting to hear if you got the job. A watched pot never boils.

(Time will pass more quickly if you keep busy while you're waiting for something.)

11/ Stop complaining about your toothache and call the dentist. There's no time like the present.

(It's better to do things now than wait.)

12/ I'm so glad I told Amira I was stressed at work. A problem shared is a

problem halved.

(If you tell someone about a problem, you'll feel better.)

13/ Logan said the shelf fell down because his drill was broken, but a bad workman always blames his tools.

(people who are bad at something blame the equipment they use)

14/ I told Sam about a great job, but he didn't apply. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

(You can make something easier for someone, but you can't force them to do it.)

15/ I know he looks a bit scary, but my dog's really gentle. You can't judge

a book by its cover.

(You shouldn't make judgments based on appearance.)

16/ I asked Sofia to help me write this difficult report. Two heads are better

than one.

(It's helpful to have the advice of a second person.)

17/ The day the sales began, Tamsin was outside the store at 6 in the morning.The early bird catches the worm.

(The person who arrives early or acts quickly will get what they want.)

18/ I've been playing the trumpet every day and I'm really improving. Practice makes perfect.

(Practicing something will make you very good at it.)

19/ We're almost ready for the party and we've still got plenty of time. Many

hands make light work.

(Things get done quickly when lots of people help).

20/ I think you should tell Carlo that it was you who broke his skateboard . Honesty is the best policy.

(It's always better to tell the truth.)

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